FREE online farmer meeting: How, when & why you should pump a cow

Wednesday 19th May 2021 at 7.30pm

Speaker: Nanja Verkuijl, a Farm Vet from a practice in the South East of England who has a wealth of experience in this area.

Whether you already own a SELEKT Pump-Drencher or are considering buying one, this free online farmer meeting will explain:

• How to use the SELEKT Pump-Drencher safely
• Which sachets to use and when
• How much water to deliver and how to assess levels of dehydration
• Which cows would most benefit from oral fluid therapy

The talk will last for about one hour and questions will be encouraged throughout.

If you would like to register your attendance at this FREE event, please click here to email Tina Morris and details on how to join the online meeting will follow in a confirmation email.

PLUS everyone attending the meeting will be entered into a prize draw on the night to win a SELEKT bundle of goodies!

SELEKT System-cowSELEKT Bundle

Online Farmer Meeting and Talk-speaker-Nanja Verkuijl